Usui Reiki Level One

Usui Reiki Level One

Reiki is a very effective healing art which promotes deep peace and relaxation for you and your clients. Once learned, Reiki can be done on all your loved ones, including children and animals. Reiki can create a deeper sense of peace and calm in your life, and is a beautiful energy and a great tool to add to your toolkit. Click event image for more information.

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IET Basic

IET Basic

Integrated Energy Therapy is an energy therapy system that helps get the "issues out of your tissues", and uses techniques brought to us by the nine Healing Angels of the energy field, to work directly with your 12-Strand Spiritual DNA. IET supports you in safely and gently release energy patterns of your past, balance your life in the present, and helps you reach for the stars as you evolve into your future. Integrated Energy Therapy is ideal for students wanting to begin an energy therapy practice, and also provides a wonderful compliment to other holistic techniques such as Massage, Reiki, Polarity Therapy, and Therapeutic Touch. Click event image for more information.

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Usui Reiki Level Two

Usui Reiki Level Two

In Reiki Level II you will receive the next level of the Attunement process and learn healing techniques for working with yourself, pets, and others. You will also learn the three traditional Usui Reiki Sacred Symbols, which will empower you to provide Reiki over long distances; to send healing energy wherever it may be needed in the world; to any person or situation in any moment in time from the past, present, or future; and it will also provide a stronger form of mental and emotional healing. You are encouraged to use these symbols to bring the universal energy of Reiki into your everyday life in more practical ways. Click event image for more information.

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IET Intermediate

IET Intermediate

Intermediate Level training has been designed to build upon the techniques learned in the Basic Level IET class. The Intermediate Level serves to reinforce the Basic Level session as well as enhance the session with new energy and new techniques. It is an ideal class for students wanting to expand their energy therapy techniques. Intermediate level techniques work at the 3rd (mental) and 4th (karmic) pair of the 12-strand DNA and provides students with the ability to clear physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints from the human energy field and leave in their place positive energy imprints. Click event image for more information.

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Usui Reiki Master

Usui Reiki Master

In this Master Level of Reiki class, you will receive four attunements throughout the day, heightening your connection to Reiki and to the Reiki lineage. We will explore the Reiki Master symbol, learn how to use it, and we will learn how to clear cords for you and your clients. We will learn how to perform Reiki boosts, and we will explore taking your Reiki practice to another level. Click event image for more information.

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IET Advanced

IET Advanced

This is the third level IET certification class and has been designed to build upon the techniques learned in the Basic and Intermediate Level IET classes. The Advanced Level serves to reinforce the Basic and Intermediate Level sessions as well as enhance the sessions with new energy, new techniques, and a soul level dimension. It is an ideal class for students wanting to deepen their energy therapy techniques and expand their work to the soul level. Advanced Level Techniques work at the 4th pair (genetic soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of the 12-strand DNA and provide students with the ability to discover your soul's mission and attract members of your soul's cluster to help you live your soul's mission and bring your dreams alive. Click event image for more information.

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Intuitive Development Level Two

Intuitive Development Level Two

Continue your Intuitive Development journey with this Level Two course! Level Two turns things up several notches! We learn more divination tools such as Tarot & Oracle cards, Mediumship, more Psychometry, Scrying, Telekinesis with Spoon Bending, Past Life Regression and discover your personal Astrological Birth Chart! Click event image for more information.

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